Wāhi Ako Kākano

About Wāhi Ako Kākano

Wāhi Ako Kākano our name comes from our nursery children being likened to  kākano- seeds which need to be nurtured and cared for attentively.

Consultation with whānau and Kaiako has outlined an importance of small group sizes and an attention to each ākonga making this name perfect for this space.

Wāhi Ako Kākano caters for just ten children aged 3 months to 2 years old. We have a small homelike environment for our youngest learners to find their place and build strong relationships with their peers and kaiako. Children have opportunities to engage in learning experiences appropriate for their age, stage and development, setting them up for a love of life long learning.

Shannon and Anna are our kaiako in Wāhi Ako Kākano , with support from our Centre Manager or another team members as needed.


In the nursery, we are committed to growing close, trusting relationships with tamariki and their whanau. Young children learn best when they feel known, respected and secure in their relationships with those caring for them.


Our calm and homelike nursery environment allows us to take time to get to know each child, their family, home life, and routines well. Knowing children well enables us to respect their natural rhythm, providing responsive care that meets each child’s unique needs while creating a sense of belonging here in the nursery.

Holistic Development

We believe in developing each child as a whole, focusing on all aspects of their development; cognitive, social, cultural, physical, emotional and spiritual dimensions. We believe the learning environment plays an important role in the learning and development of each tamaiti, therefore we ensure to provide a warm, nurturing, and inviting environment to extend their learning.